According to Visual Learning Online, you're considered a visual learner if:
"You prefer using images, pictures, colors, and maps to organize information and communicate with others.
You can easily visualize objects, plans and outcomes in your mind's eye.
You also have a good spatial sense, which gives you a good sense of direction.
You use mind maps with colors and pictures in place of text, wherever possible. If you don't use the computer, you make sure you have at least four different color pens.
You use system diagrams that help you visualize the links between parts of a system, for example major engine parts or the principle of sailing in equilibrium."
I identify myself with all of these aspects. So, my learning style is VISUAL. I work better when I actually see what I'm supposed to do. I also love adding pops of color to my notebook and projects so they're easier to study and more 'showy'. I always use different colors when taking notes such as markers or a lot of highlighers. They're so much better to use than pencils. I also constantly use charts and graphs to organize information and make it easier to study.